I like this show as much as This Week. Bob Sheffer can not hide his partisanship to save his life. Of course his focus is on the CIA.
Guest John McCain
Bob finds any Republican that thinks Heyden is the wrong person for the Porter Goss job. Bob goes back to the NSA surveillance to discredit Heyden.
Bob can't get John to say anything negative so lets move on.
Chenneys remarks about Puttin. McCain thinks hes right on so Bob needs to move on.
Iran Bob wants direct talks John agrees with Bush no direct talks unless Iran changes its stand on Israel.
Lets move on let's attack McCain for changing his strips. Why has McCain decided to go to Liberty University? It's a University he has been invited to speak at.
McCain sound like a strong Republican he is the middle. Can he win over the base? He is in the gang of 14. He voted against the original tax rate reductions.
David Brooks and Colbert King on the panel.
Bob thinks Porter Goss was a mess from the minute he got in there. David Brooks is on track with the facts, Goss went in to clean up the leaks. The CIA had become an arm of the Democratic Party and the senior analyst that didn't believe in the Bush doctrine had leaked information to aid John Kerry. They lost.
Bob can't believe McCain is just going to talk to the students.
Bob Sheffer is all wrong about the National Anthem being translated to Spanish. !. It's not a good translation. 2. It needs to sung in English.
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