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Debs questions will be in black my response will be in blue.
I always like to know who a person is when communicating with them. Would you take time to look at liberals to Conservative and rate yourself.
Dear Fellow Patriots,
A good tree does not bear bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit (Matt 7:18). It is time you opened your eyes and thoughtfully absorb the consequences of supporting an administration for partisan, patriotic, or even religious purposes. I am sure that many of you who have staunchly defended these leaders have done so for altruistic purposes. However, there comes a point in time that one must sincerely consider, critique, and act upon facts rather than rhetoric.
By partisan do you mean a firm adherence to a party? By patriotic do you mean inspired by a love for or devotion to ones country? If you do then what consequences of supporting this administration do you see?
I support the administration because we are at war with Islamic fascist that have been killing United States citizens since Oct 23 1983. You are right this is the time to consider the fact rather than rhetoric.
To put religious purposes in as a consideration of support for the Administration is short sighted. Christian , Jew, Muslim or what ever religion you are is not the consideration - being American is the consideration.
How can any of you believe that George W. Bush is a man of God when the fruits of this man’s presidency are burning before our eyes? He has lied from day one of his candidacy for 2000, beginning with his claims of being a “Compassionate Conservative,” and a “Uniter, not a Divider,” and he continues to lie.
What has George Bush done to make you think he is not a “Compassionate Conservative” facts please not rhetoric? Name a policy that this Administration has put forth that is not consistent with being a “Uniter, not a Divider”? Facts please no rhetoric.
Has America been a good neighbor under this administration? Have we been good world citizens? I would argue that we have not. We have not considered the innocent people of Iraq in our calculations, under the leadership of an administration that contradicts itself as it claims, “We are the liberators of Iraq,” while telling us that “We’d rather fight them over there.”
Your question "Has America been a good neighbor under this administration? Have we been good world citizens? " I would say yes. We have help remove the Taliban from Afghanistan because of 9-11, remember that day? We have considered the innocent people of Iraq. Those would be the 300,000 people that Saddam Hussein had murdered each year.
We are the liberators of Iraq. Today Iraq has an independently elected government. The army and police are getting trained, stronger and more capable. These are the fact not rhetoric.
We have not considered the brave patriots that we have squandered in our battle of false premise. We have not thoughtfully scrutinized not only the devastating impact upon the Middle East, but the impact that these actions have and will ultimately continue to have on American families. What happened to the good-will of the entire world for our country? They have not been wise stewards
When you say, "We have not considered the brave patriots that we have squandered in our battle of false premise.", I assume that when you use "false premise" you are talking about Weapons of Mass Destruction. Every government in the world including the Clinton Administration thought in 1998 that Iraq had WMD's. That is a fact. George Bush said "either you are with us in the war on terrorism or you are against us." Saddam Hussein was supporting terrorism. He was paying suicide bombers families $20.000. That is a fact. Fighting against terrorism is not squandering our brave patriots, who have all volunteered to protect your freedom.
I think the Administration did consider the impact on the Middle East when it tool this action. I think they thought a democracy that was against terrorism and against living under a dictatorship would be a good thing.
The impact on the Middle East is far different form the impact on the families. And there are two different impacts. 1. The impact on the families that have lost a loved one is tragic and we all morn their loss of a hero that fought for our freedom. 2. The impact on the families that are able to live in freedom, because this hero gave his life voluntarily, are priceless.
Once again I wonder what planet you live on. The United States has never had the good will of the world. No matter how much aid we give the response has been a hearty "go home yankee" for as long as I can remember.
When will this man be held accountable for his lies and the devastating consequences of those lies? There was courage upon the “Hill” to impeach a president guilty of personal indiscretions, personal dishonesty, but when it comes to a president and his administration that has cost this world unquantifiable hardship and a disturbing loss of life that continues to unfold; cowardice is the mode of operation.
Again you ask when will Bush be held accountable for his lies. What lies do you mean, be specific please, no rhetoric. What are the devastating consequences from these lies that you see? Please be specific.
I can only assume that you would like the Congress to get the temerity to impeach Bush and then remove him from office. You would do this because he has cost this world quantifiable hardship and a disturbing loss of life. What is the qualifiable hardship he has caused the world? In this war the loss of life is small in numbers compared to the number of people that die in their bath tub in one year.
Our political leaders have used their pens to send our bravest citizens into what has now become a nest of barbarity while tacitly encouraging savagery that has already cost our soldiers and their families dearly. Why? They have flagrantly dismissed the rules of war and have consistently strived to circumvent the Constitution that they claim to defend. Why? They said is was to protect us. That was a lie. They said it was to liberate. That was a lie.
Your whole comment is rhetoric it's time to deal in facts. We have sent our boys to fight because we are at war with Islamic fascist that want to kill us and impose Islamic law upon us.
PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. What has this Administration done that has consistently strived to circumvent the Constitution?
Are you going to be complacent in this struggle? We are fighting for more than the prevention of terrorism—we are fighting for our true moral purpose in this world. And I ask you, what is it that you think the moral purpose of our country is? Is it to bear good fruit, or is it to complacently rally our leaders regardless of their actions or the consequences of those actions?
What do you see as our true moral purpose in this world? Be as specific as you can.
I believe that our moral purpose is to make these worlds true for the world "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
I hope to hear from you soon.