Americans need to find candidates to sign on to these basic principles.
1. Will aggressively pursue the war on terrorism.
2. Nominate and confirm judges that will follow the constitution.
3. Close the borders and enforce the immigration laws.
4. Repeal Article XVI of the Constitution and implement the Fair Tax.
5. Vote for real cuts in spending, eliminate corporate welfare, be fiscally conservative.
6. Reform Social Security. Privatize
7. Reform medicare and medicaid.
8. Reform the education system with vouchers.
9. Continue to reform the welfare system to really help.
10. Reform the drug laws. By legalizing, taxing and regulating we will take revenue out of the hands of terrorist.
We have a majority in both houses of Congress. We have the Presidency. We don't need the Democrats. If they (the democrats) will not participate go on without them. No excuses. JUST DO IT!!!!