This Week with George
Katrina one year later
New Orleans This city should not be rebuilt any more than it already has
been. To move any people into this flood plain is crazy and a waste
of resources. Wherever the people that lived there are now they better
get on with their lives. It's tough and sad but life is tough and sad.
For Mary Landreu to be crying over rebuilding the lower ninth and
Bernard Parish Is unrealistic. Get over it. New Orleans can rebuild it's
docks and oil industry but the people will have to commute to get to work.
The round table
Leave it to George to set the talking points for the Democrats.
Incompetence. No matter what the Administration does INCOMPETENT.
Donna Brazil names a bunch of RINO''s, Chris Shays Chuck Hagel, who
want to cut and run. Then says that most of the Republicans agree, we
need to leave and the Iraq is not part of the war on terror. She is living in
a parallel reality.
Ray Nagin Wants to rebuild. Why? If we are in global warming, then
it seems we will get a category five hurricane which will flood New Orleans
again. I can not be the only person in the world that sees this.
Ray Nagin can sure tap dance now I don't mean to say that race has
anything to do with this, he's just a politician.
The federal government is the last responder not the first. Cities and
states need to get ready for any emergency. The federal government only
does the military well. Everyone doesn't agree with that.
Al Hunt-Iraq hurts the Republicans but terrorism might help. ??
They are the same thing.
Novak- Republicans might stay home.
Eugene Robinson - Iraq is a mess and always will be. ??
Kate O'Brien-Conservative think we are losing and don't believe the
administration that things are getting better.
They all agree that Republicans need to, or are, distance themselves from the
administration. They are all wrong.
What about Hilary? They agree she may be in trouble.
House and Senate - They all agree Republicans could loose majority in one or both.