It's time to gather together people of like minds. Who believe in a
core of truths to face the major problems that confront us. We are at
an intersection of time with opportunity when we can make epoch change.
As our story opens Senator Ted Kennedy on June 22, 2005 says " we are in an intractable quagmire, there is no end in sight to describe the war."
Is he right or is Carl Rove right? When he said "The reaction of liberals to 911 was to offer
indictments, understanding and therapy the republicans wanted to
prepare for war."
Senator Durbin can compare our troops to mass killers and he is
praised, gets a pass from the press and does not give an apology. But
Senator Lott has an off handed comment that he does apologize for, at
least five time, that it is not accepted and he is driven from the
leadership by the press and Democrats.
This brings us to the point that there is a liberal bias in the main stream media? The comparison
between the treatment of Senator Lott and Senator Durbin seems to show
there is.
Then there is the crowd from the left. Karim Kadiri an American from Morocco originally. This is what Karim believes"The concerns that I have to do with America
teaching its citizens that they are born special, unique, in the
greatest nation of all time etc… I find that whole argument ridiculous.
Unfortunately the average American is as brainwashed on the matter as
the teenager that straps a bomb on himself and tries to blow up a bus.
The two firmly believe in their respective realities and yet they agree
about the principal of US against them, in each case the US is the good and THEM is evil.", and most of the left.
Karim says and the left believes "What has been pulverized is America’s
good image abroad. Bush destroyed that in a few short months. He also
destabilized the whole planet as I see it. As I mentioned instead of
nipping the problem in the bud, we went to another country to fight and
therefore giving birth (daily) to new terrorists around the world."
The war against terror is world wide and every person is at risk. We
are fighting Islamic fascist who want to kill all infidels.We are fighting Islamic fascist who want to kill all infidels. The
Iraqi security forces are growing in number and taking on more
responsibility for their own security. The Iraqi people voted for the
Constitution and the main street media has hardly said a word. We are
at war and in war THERE IS NO SECOND PLACE. If we do not fight the war
in Iraq we will fight the war in America.
Who Caused 9-11? 19 religious young men under the influence of
Al-Quida, who believe all infidels deserve to be killed because they
are sinners?
There are 1.3 billion Muslims. I think it is realistic to believe that 100,000
could be taught to become martyrs. Who are the homicide bombers?
Who are the Islamic fascist?
This war will end only when the terrorist are all dead or they give up
their idea that we must all be dead. We are in Iraqi now and we must
chase the terrorist to the ends of the earth. There can be no place
for them to hide.
By sept 17, 2005 we look at the
Israeli front the war on terror and find out it may not be going so good. The
Palestinians are flooding into the Gaza Strip from Egypt. If Al-Qaeda
is setting up headquarters and training camps the Israelis will have
every right to attack and defend themselves if attacked.
Some truths
No matter where you are born a person can want to be free and that is
the American spirit. America is a unique and special nation. America
was the first Republic with a Constitution that acknowledges that its
citizens have rights. To be an American gives you a duty to preserve
these rights for the next generation. I believe America stands for
freedom that is why people have come here for two hundred years.
Conservatives believe in individual rights and responsibilities. That we succeed by invention pushed by competition.
Hurricane Katrina showed the flaws of bureaucracy from the national government to the city government.
It's here that we start to look for the secret government Sept. 22, 2005
Is Al-Quida controlled by the CIA? Was the CIA and Mossad taking
this act of terrorism on 9-11 to take away America's freedom through
the Patriot Act? This is possible and this is the core truth that we must
find. I feel that there is some group that is trying to control our lives,
maybe the government, maybe large corporations or a combination of the
two. Whoever they are I don't think that their plan will work. I
don't believe that the military, which is part of the government, will
turn on the citizen of our own country. The same for the police
forces. However there was that sweep in my own home town that makes me
wonder what is real.
of a troubled Aurora neighborhood are divided over whether the city and
police went too far last week when they launched a complicated 30-man
operation into people’s homes, hoping to rid the area of gangsters,
drug dealers and other scofflaws.
A police and city inspector
sweep of the neighborhood July 14 has outraged some residents who say
their rights were violated by random searches masked as city
“I open the door for the inspector and property
manager, and all the sudden there are two police officers following
them in the house,” said longtime area resident Vivian Morgan. “They
all scatter to different rooms and start looking for who knows what.
I’m a supporter of police trying to clean up this neighborhood, but
what they’ve done isn’t right.”Several
residents of Lansing and Lima streets between First and Bayaud avenues
— an area police say is notorious for gang and criminal activity — said
they were duped into letting police into their homes last week when
officers accompanied city building inspectors.
Police defended
the operation and said their actions were not only routine, but were an
important part of improving the quality of life for residents.
Officials said they were careful to explain the purpose of the action,
and that residents have asked for police help in keeping criminals at
..... About
20 Aurora police officers, 12 members of city’s code enforcement office
and several members of the Aurora animal care division spent nearly
five hours Wednesday going door-to-door to approximately 40 homes in
the area, police said.
Throughout the day, police made 17
arrests in the neighborhood for a variety of court violations and
crimes — including five felonies. Five warnings were also issued for
pet violations, and city inspectors noted 76 code violations, which
must now be remedied by landlords within 45 days, according to police.
Violations included things such as unsafe appliances and homes.
majority of the day’s arrests were in conjunction with warrants served
by the Aurora Police Department Gang Unit following the inspections.
footnoot 1 The Aurora Daily Sun & Sentinel April 24, 2007
People at the State Department, the careerists at
the State Department, are not all pro-American in the sense that they
agree with the Bush administration policy. Here the elected president
and vice president have been accused by a former State Department
official, former chief of staff to Colin Powell, Larry Wilkerson, of
hijacking foreign policy. That's the attitude that exists in the State
Department. If you're in the State Department, you know, these
presidents come and go, but you are the career diplomat and you know
what's best. Many of those people are career libs with opposition to
the Bush administration.
The CIA's war against the Bush administration, which has been fueled by
one leak after another on the part of CIA officials. These leaks, all
or most of which involved classified information, have appeared mainly
in the Washington Post and the New York Times, and have then been
repeated in pretty much every newspaper in America. When CIA leaks hurt
the administration, these papers have gleefully passed them on. It was
only when Scooter Libby mentioned the name of a non-covert CIA
employee, Valerie Plame, that the Post, the Times, and other MSM
outlets suddenly developed a faux concern about lapses in security.
Of course renegade intelligence officers can’t just hold press
conferences and air their politically motivated opposition to
administration policies, so they leak to willing and able journalists
who hold similar political dispositions. See, it is exciting and
something to brag about when you talk to a member of the Senior
Intelligence Service and can attach your byline to an
intelligence-related expose. These comrades with clearances are even
willing to provide corroboration to their stories; usually like-minded
pals who aren’t on active duty anymore, but who have lucrative
consulting gigs from their pals who still run the secret show. No sense
in talking to the Gerechts and Baers of the world who might provide a
little balance, since they are probably disgruntled (and Republican)
One of the most
underreported aspects of this scandal has been the hostility by a
faction in the CIA toward the White House during the period following
the discovery that weapons of mass destruction were not to be found in
Iraq. This kind of bureaucratic infighting is usually too arcane a
subject for most people to pay much attention to. However, in this
case, there appears to be a measure of partisan politics on the part of
CIA personnel thrown into the mix in addition to the very human impulse
to shift blame for failure.
The Wall Street Journal commented on this conflict in an editorial
on September 29, 2004 following a selective leak of a CIA report
predicting post-war instability in Iraq. Not only was the leak a brazen
attempt by the CIA to embarass the administration, but the fact that it
came two days before the first debate between the President and Senator
Kerry was evidence that this faction in the CIA was determined to
affect the election.
The leaking of pre-war
intelligence nuggets prior to the election in 2004 that showed the CIA
in the best possible light by highlighting alternate analyses of Iraq
WMD capabilities was a remarkable demonstration of partisanship by
supposedly non-partisan bureaucrats. And while the partisanship was not
necessarily due to any allegiance to the Democratic party on the part
of the leakers, it did reveal a mind set that wished to establish a
public record absolving the CIA of failure. The fact that the President
would be hurt politically by the revelations was also a probable motive
for the leaks.
Was Valerie Plame a part of this faction? In his column naming her as a CIA employee, Robert Novak describes her as an “operative on weapons of mass destruction.”
Since most of the leaks coming from the CIA faction at war with the
White House involved the analysis of the WMD threat from Iraq, it’s
tempting to connect the dots and say that Plame was part of a group
that wished to, at the very least, prove that the CIA was not as wrong
about WMD in Iraq as some in the Administration were saying. At worst,
Mrs. Wilson may have been a party to an effort to influence an election
by trying to embarass the President.
And by connecting the
dots between Mrs. Wilson and other agency rebels who sought to take
down the President, doesn’t this open up a whole slew of questions
about Mr. Wilson? The former ambassador has been portraying himself as
a whistleblower. What if he was an errand boy instead? Wilson, by
virtue of his former employment at the State Department could be the
perfect front man for a propoganda campaign by his wife’s employer to
shift blame for the WMD fiasco from the agency’s incompetence to the
neoconservative hawks and their rush to war.
The Democrats present charges and remember it's
the seriousness of the charges that count not the facts, and the press
goes along as the willing lap dog.
When Attorney General Ed Meese resigned he was found innocent of wrongdoing but the media
still portrayed him as an example of what news accounts called the
"ethical insensitivity" of the Republican administration.
The Democrats go after Newt Gingrich even thought the charges are all false. Remember it's the seriousness of the charges not the facts. Democrats filed 84 ethics charges against Speaker Gingrich. All of them were found to be without merit
The Democrats then go after the Republican in a position of power and try and destroy him, Tom Delay. The strategery seems to be the same Ronnie Earl
gets a grand jury to indict and Tom Delays career is ruined even though
the charges are probably false.
Rush Limbaugh was right in his Wall Street Journal Opinion article, "We
believe in individual liberty, limited government, capitalism, the rule
of law, faith, a color-blind society and national security. We support
school choice, enterprise zones, tax cuts, welfare reform, faith-based
initiatives, political speech, homeowner rights and the war on
terrorism. And at our core we embrace and celebrate the most
magnificent governing document ever ratified by any nation--the U.S.
Constitution. Along with the Declaration of Independence, which
recognizes our God-given natural right to be free, it is the foundation
on which our government is built and has enabled us to flourish as a
people. " I think he should add we are strong environmentalist.
There is a liberal bias in the main stream media. As it turns out there is not a
liberal bias but the main stream media is the democratic brain.
They write something and the democrats try to implement it.
These are the main issues to which answers need to be found. Or that as conservatives we must have candidates to run on these issues and have answers to how they will be accomplished.
1. Will aggressively pursue the war on terrorism.
2. Nominate and confirm judges that will follow the constitution.
The Supreme Court is one of the most important issues of our day. We
can only hope that President Bush has not made the same mistakes that
so many of the past Republican Presidents have made. Perhaps he will
get another chance to make a pick and he can get a true Constitutional
conservative in there like Luttig, McConnell or Jones. The courts
over the last 60 years have been participating in Judaical activism,
making law not found in the Constitution. The most recent example is
the takings law, eating away at the fifth amendment.
3. Close the borders and enforce the immigration laws.
4. Repeal Article XVI of the Constitution and implement the Fair Tax.
The FairTax Plan is a nonpartisan national grassroots campaign to
replace the federal income tax system with a progressive national
retail sales tax. It provides a "prebate" to ensure no American pays
federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level, dollar-for-dollar
federal revenue replacement and, through companion legislation, repeal
of the 16th Amendment. The FairTax eliminates the intrusive, inefficient IRS; The FairTax abolishes individual income-tax forms; The FairTax imposes no tax on small businesses or farms,The FairTax untaxes education;
5. Vote for real cuts in spending, eliminate corporate welfare, be fiscally conservative.
6. Reform Social Security.
7. Reform Medicare and Medicaid.
8. Reform the education system with vouchers.
9. Continue to reform the welfare system to really help.
10. Reform the drug laws. By legalizing, taxing and regulating we will take revenue out of the hands of terrorist.
11. Eliminate earmarks. On Sept. 20 2005 there was a vote in the Senate to take money out of the
transportation bill, earmarked to Alaska, to help with the Katrina
Hurricane and it was voted down 82 to 15. footnote There are two new difinitions The SWINE - Senators Who Ignore Needless Expenditures and Saws -
Senators Against Wasteful Spending. The list of the 82 will be under
the SWINE. The 15 will be under the SAWS. This is the beginning to
find those with like minds that deserve to be re-elected or find
someone new.
According to Andrew Sullivan "Of course the initial response of left-wing intellectuals to Sept. 11 was one jerk of the collective knee. this was America"s fault. From Susan Sontag to Micheal Moore, from Noam Chomsky to Edward Said, there was no question that, however awful the attack on the World Trade Center, it was vital to keep attention fixed on the real culprit: the United States. Of the massacre, a Rutgers professor summed up the consensus by informing her students that " we should be aware that, whatever its proximate course, its ultimate cause is the fascism of U.S. foreign policy over the past many decades." this comes in Sept 2005
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