Everything in the universe has a purpose. The invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is in all of us. It is with our thought that we create our reality. The place where your thought comes from is some universal intelligence out there, let's call it God.
Somehow our priorities are turned inside out. We have lost our ability to be intuitive. Think of your intuitive self as God talking privately to you, just as you talk privately to God and call it prayer. You can hear an answer if you believe that there is some universal intelligence out there that you are addressing. What is important is knowing that the intelligence is there and that it is part of you and all life.
This blog is about finding the truth. I intend to find the truth. Intention is the energy of your soul coming into contact with your physical reality. Everything about the physical you, is a result of your intention, or how your thoughts become energized into action. This concept of intention, of applying action to your inner pleadings, will allow you to activate what needs to be done in order to complete the thought and make it a physical reality. You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, your intentions create your reality.