OK this is the way I see it right now. A change has started. The institutional liberals in the N.E.A., dominant liberal mass media, higher education, Non Profit Organizations, judiciary, unions, the CIA that tries to bring down a President in the time of War, The state department going against the Administrations will, governmental bureaucracies, EPA, transportation, they are all being exposed for what they are by the truth. There is no escape and the internet is the great truth detector. By exposing the left we have made a big step forward in raising that inner consciousness that is in side all human beings.
Everything in the universe has a purpose. The invisible intelligence that flows through everything in a purposeful fashion is in all of us. It is with our thought that we create our reality. The place where your thought comes from is some universal intelligence out there, let's call it God.
Somehow our priorities are turned inside out. We have lost our ability to be intuitive. Think of your intuitive self as God talking privately to you, just as you talk privately to God and call it prayer. You can hear an answer if you believe that there is some universal intelligence out there that you are addressing. What is important is knowing that the intelligence is there and that it is part of you and all life.
This blog is about finding the truth. I intend to find the truth. Intention is the energy of your soul coming into contact with your physical reality. Everything about the physical you, is a result of your intention, or how your thoughts become energized into action. This concept of intention, of applying action to your inner pleadings, will allow you to activate what needs to be done in order to complete the thought and make it a physical reality. You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, your intentions create your reality.
Right now we need to create a third party to implement true change. Newt Gingrich has it right we need to elect a government that believes in the same thing.(from school boards and city councils to Senators to President) That there is invisible intelligence that flows through everything. That we create our reality from some universal intelligence. That we can solve our problems. I've identified 11, I'm sure there are more. But we need to contact like minded souls that are ready for a change in everything or we will loss this war and America. The old way of thinking is at an end. Tell a friend, contribute to the ideas. This change will be fast it's not for the politically aware crowd so much as it's for the 50% of you that don't vote. That are searching for ideals that you can live up to, that you can follow.
My brand of conservatism believes in limited government, free markets, individual freedom, individual rights and responsibilities, a strong national defense, an aggressive self interested foreign policy, the fair tax, nationalism, peace thru strength, traditional American values, a dedication to private property rights, equality of opportunity as opposed to equality of outcome and less control of business.
But in life style situations I'm more liberal. I'm for legalizing prostitution. legalizing drugs, free choice in education. I want competition and vouchers. I'm concerned with property right which are the center piece of all rights. Capitalism is the economic dimension of liberty. Without capitalism and free markets you don't have liberty.
Conservatism does not mean opposed to change. Today it is the conservatives that are demanding change in a number of institutions and policies. Specifically public education, it's liberals that want to maintain the status quo at all cost. Liberals that are in tow to the teachers unions they don't want choose and competition in this monopoly. When it comes to litigation it's conservatives that passionately want tort reform. While liberals want to maintain the status quo in large part because they get large donations from trial attorneys. The welfare state it was conservatives that pushed for welfare reform and liberals wanted to maintain the status quo. Social Security it's the conservatives proposing privatization and private accounts and liberals who want to maintain the status quo.
I'm against behavior modification. Democrats are all about behavior modification, they want to tell you how to live, how much money you can keep, what school you have to go to, what preferences you will get over somebody else.
I believe party trumps person in politics. Party's are made up of coalitions and agendas that are quit different. I like the Republican party. Democrats can always out bid Republicans for desirable outcomes. Liberals are utopian in there thinking. Democrats promise joy at somebody else's expense. Democrats base their foreign policy on denial that we are at war. The 2008 election is going to very divisive and highly consequential.
The new party will be The I'm OK party made up of either Democrats or Republicans or any other Party that believes in the Constitution as written by the founders, freedom and America. They will be the "I'm OK Republican" or the "I'm OK Democrate".
We identify them by simple becoming active and ask who is running that believes in most of the things we've identified. We each support the OK candidate with a dollar or ten and they know pretty soon know if they have a majority of people behind them because the money really adds up. It happens this election cycle if the silent majority , that thinks it is disenfranchised , speaks up at one time there can be no mistakes and it will surprise all the experts. The same ones that are surprised the economy is doing so well.
The movement has started. I'm just a messenger. But I know we are in for the ride of our likes to preserve this union and save the world from falling into a hell that I really will not contemplate because we are going to win this War.
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